lover of all things creative. our fav, of course are these three not so little anymore humans.

my inspiration.

I grew up on farm west of the city I live in now. Dirt was my playground. Perhaps my love of clay stems from my upbringing. I am drawn to making pots which remind me of wheat fields and grid roads. I want my pieces to transport you to a place of comfort. As a professional photographer my eye sees both light, color and lines daily. It never shuts off.

My appreciation for this craft grows with each piece I make also teaching me patience. Behind the wheel I’m calm and my entrepreneurial brain pauses and I just create, A form of meditation.

my journey.

I started pottery as an outlet just shy of 4 years ago during a hard time in life. It gave me a place to channel my energy and distract. So I tried an evening pottery class and was hooked. I'd spend the whole next week counting down the hours until the next class to go play with clay. In nov 20’ my family and you all gave me the push to sell. I will continue to make and create with no expectations. To keep this space light and a form of calm for both you and I.

my work.

I design and hand make everything from my studio here in Saskatoon. SK. Combining both of my worlds in one room…With the occasional pile of pots on our dining room table.

I make everything with purpose and a side of love.

I like to think my work adds a more mindful eating/drinking/enjoying experience. I hope you feel the love and care that went into each piece; take the time to ground yourself with these objects born from earth.